Life giving foods & Indys Detox smoothie
Smoothies are one of the best ways to pack a huge nutritional punch into one cup. I have given Indy powerhouse smoothies since she first started taking solids. Now that we are fighting atypical cells and going through heavy duty chemotherapy, excellent nutrition is more important than ever. Indy gets a detox smoothie every day to keep her system supported, wether at the hospital or at home.All information below is gathered from Medical Medium's book "Life Changing Foods"- a book I highly recommend for everyone.
•Mango- induces sleep, eases constipation, kickstarts a sluggish liver, and helps your body manage stress.•Wild blueberries- highest level of antioxidants of any food on the planet. Fights all cancers and diseases, number 1 adaptogen (balances hormones & adrenals), restores the liver, most powerful brain food ever, the resurrection food [raise you out of the ashes- physically, mentally, emotionally]•Cilantro- heavy metal detoxification of organs, especially from the brain! Clearing heavy metals from the brain is crucial for optimal brain function. Detoxes liver, supports adrenals, kills virus/bacteria/parasites•Aloe Vera- soothes & cleanses intestines,Relieves constipation, enhances B12 absorption & production, kills virus/fungus/mold/bacteria/parasites, removes radiation from the body, nourishes skin.•Coconut water- provides vital glucose and mineral salts to the bloodstream, supports neurotransmitters (think sleep & mood), nourishes reproductive system & adrenals, is very hydrating, antiviral and antibacterial.•Fresh squeezed or cold pressed Orange juice- oranges contain active glutathione & flavonoids that fight virus, protect the body from radiation, & deactivate heavy metals in the body. Oranges contain an abundance of bioactive calcium.•Dates- amazing for the digestive system, kills Candida, great source of potassium, glucose, and amino acids. Aids in muscle recovery.•Ginger- relaxing tonic for organs and muscles, helps manage stress, boosts immune system, reconstructs DNA, anti-cancer•Spirulina- full vitamin & mineral profile, energy for cells, clears heavy metals from body, great source of iron and vitamin K. Indy's Detox smoothie: Makes 16 oz- I divide into two 8 oz mason jars and freeze for 2 days worth of smoothie. Indy prefers to eat her smoothies frozen with a spoon, and I think this particular smoothie tastes better frozen.1/2 C Fresh squeezed or cold pressed orange juice1/4 C Aloe vera gel or juice (I use Lakewood Organic brand)1/4 C coconut water (no sugar added)1 C frozen wild blueberries3/4 C frozen mango1/4 C fresh cilantro1-2 large un-pitted dates, remove pit (un-pitted dates are much softer than pre-pitted dates!)1 tsp Hawaiian Spirulina (I use this one)
*Option to add fresh grated ginger after blending, just 1/8-1/4 tsp will add heat to the smoothie and many health benefits. Indy loves the taste of ginger, while it is personally not my favorite!**You can substitute the mango and dates for banana instead, depending on taste preference or nutritional needs. Or you could even add banana to this recipe to sweeten it up more.***I add 2 drops of detoxadine (nascent iodine) to this recipe. I put detoxadine in our smoothies every day to give us our daily dose of iodine. Iodine is critical for thyroid function and cellular metabolism and helps prevents cancer.
Happy detoxing :)
Much Love,TerahNote: As an Amazon associate, I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases on this post.